Activities, projects and initiatives
We proudly host several activities, projects and initiatives. On this page you can read more about them.
Centre for sustainable Urban Futures (Urban Futures), is an arena for co-creation between research and practice. Urban Futures address complex social challenges in the context of urban development, to build integrated knowledge and capacity that can transform our cities and communities in a sustainable manner.
The purpose of the Work and Employment Research Centre (WE) is to promote and support research, education, innovation and utilization in the field of sustainable work and employment.
SDSN Northern Europe is part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and connect Nordic universities and other knowledge institutions to go from knowledge to action for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Focali - Forest, Climate, and Livelihood research network
is a multidisciplinary research network that bridges research on forests, climate, and livelihoods with policy and practice. Since its formation in 2008, the network has developed into a nexus of more than 120 members from a wide range of both natural and social science disciplines. Via Focali exchange is facilitated between the researchers and actors in other sectors as civil society, public and private actors. Focali's goal is to enhance knowledge-based decision-making in complex systems and challenges related to global issues such as forests, land use, biodiversity, climate, food systems, poverty, and governance through dialogue and collaboration. This is aimed at achieving more sustainable and inclusive development.
Sida’s Helpdesk for Environment and Climate Change is a government agency collaboration between Sida, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and the University of Gothenburg to promote enhanced integration of environmental issues and perspectives in Swedish development cooperation.
SWEAFUN is a strategic joint initiative between Chalmers University of Technology and nine partner universities in East Africa, led by Wexsus. The initiative provides the opportunity to bring together researchers, teachers, and management of the partner universities to build new equitable partnerships with sustainability as a common goal.
SWANEX is a co-operation between four universities in Nigeria, Ghana and Sweden coordinated by Wexsus to develop a collaborative research and education programme and to lay the platform for a long-term exchange.