Application open for the Renova environmental scholarship 2024 | WEXSUS
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Application open for the Renova environmental scholarship 2024


Renova donates a yearly scholarship worth SEK 100,000 to PhD students and young researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, the University of Gothenburg and University West (new partner for 2024) who are working in environmental research relevant to Renova's operations. Since 2024 the scholarship is coordinated by Wexsus. The deadline is August 23rd.

Renova's environmental scholarship is intended to stimulate research aimed at improved recycling and waste management, for example through waste prevention, more efficient recycling or reduced environmental impact from such systems. More specifically, it targets doctoral students and young researchers (more info below) and should primarily be used to further develop their own research. It is awarded directly to the recipient and is non-taxable.

Application process, criterias and assesment

  • To apply for the scholarship, you start by reading through the detailed instructions available here, where you also register your personal information (part 1 of the application). Please note that the detailed instructions are only available in English, but it's completely fine to write your application in Swedish. The deadline is August 23rd.
  • A young researcher is defined as a PhD student, and someone on the career track shortly after the doctoral degree, for example a research assistant or post doc. It has been up to five years since the person completed their dissertation and he/she has not reached docent level.
  • The assessment is carried out by a jury consisting of representatives from Renova, one researcher from each respective university and one person från Wexsus.
  • The scholarship recipient will be announced during the fall of 2024 at a meeting hosted by Renova, where the recipient is expected to attend. The scholarship jury convenes and decides on the winner on 25 September. Please note that we do not comment on individual rejected applications.
  • Industry-specific waste such as radioactive waste, dredged material and mining waste is outside the call area. The research and results that can be applied in a Swedish context are given priority in the evaluation.

Read more and apply
